The Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues rejects any ideas and actions that are directed against humane and tolerant coexistence in accordance with the free democratic basic order and the rule of law principles. This applies in particular to right-wing extremist, anti-Semitic and racist positions.
No place for misanthropy
The Commissioner rejects any cooperation with people or groups with whom coexistence based on democratic values is not guaranteed.
Right-wing extremists continually try to exploit child sexual abuse in order to spread their inhuman views. They pursue concerns that call into question the principles of the rule of law under the cloak of child protection. The Independent Commissioner resolutely opposes this: hatred, right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and other forms of group-based hostility have no place with him and his team.

"Protection from sexual abuse has no room for right-wing extremists".
Independent Commissioner for child sexual abuse issues
Cooperation with the Gender, GMF and Right-Wing Extremism department of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation
The Independent Commissioner is cooperating with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. The foundation has been educating associations, NGOs and other institutions about right-wing extremism since 1998. Their staff have extensive knowledge about the instrumentalisation of child sexual abuse by right-wing extremists. The specialist department for gender, group-related enmity and right-wing extremism at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation provides background information and analyses, advanced training and advice as well as networking opportunities covering this problem.