The National Council against Sexual Violence Committed against Children and Adolescents is the body for long-term and interdisciplinary exchanges to permanently counteract sexual violence against children and adolescents and its consequences.
History and composition
In December 2019, the "National Council against Sexual Violence Committed against Children and Adolescents" was jointly constituted by the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues and the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Franziska Giffey. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Independent Commissioner co-chair the National Council.
The National Council against Sexual Violence Committed against Children and Adolescents is the forum for long-term and interdisciplinary dialogue between responsible people from politics and society around ten years after the round table on Child Sexual Abuse (2010/11) was established by the Federal Government.
Strong co-operation at all levels
Measurable improvements are being worked on together with representatives from federal, state and local governments in order to permanently combat sexual violence committed against children and adolescents and its consequences. This makes the national council an important body for combating sexual violence committed against children and adolescents. Its members include representatives from politics, civil society, academia and professional practice as well as members from the UBSKM's survivors’ board.